Run FLO-2D

Run FLO-2D#

The Run FLO-2D button is used to run FLO-2D and other processing programs.

../../_images/run002-115.png ../../_images/run003-115.png
  1. Run FLO-2D Click the Run FLO-2D button on the FLO-2D Plugin toolbar.

  2. Set the Project Export folder location and the location of the FLOPRO.EXE file.

  3. Click OK to start a simulation.

  4. Or Click Debug Run to debug a project.

  5. It is necessary to export .DAT files before running FLO-2D. See Export FLO-2D *.DAT files.

  1. Use the alternate options to run these processing programs.

  2. Profiles.exe is a channel editing and review tool. See Workshop Lesson 5 for instructions.

  3. Hydrog.exe is a tool to review channel and floodplain cross sections.

  4. MaxPlot.exe is a tool to make simple plots of the FLO-2D results such as depth and velocity.

  5. Mapper.exe is a tool to create shapefiles for FLO-2D results.
