Storm Drain#
This advanced lesson shows how to create a storm drain from Shapefiles. Stay tuned for more lessons that will show how to set up a storm drain from a swmm.inp.
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Storm drain checklist.
For those of you who love a challenge, it’s good practice to do a “Speed Run” of the Self-Help Kit. Here is a checklist of tasks that might get skipped during storm drain model building.
[ ] Adjust outfall location so all outfalls rest on a left bank node.
[ ] Add a storage unit volume table and assign Storage1 to all storage units.
[ ] Ensure conduit length is a minimum of 30 ft, which is the cell size.
[ ] Add Type 4 rating tables to the Type 4 inlets.
[ ] Add a pump table and assign it to P1.
[ ] Auto-assign nodes.
[ ] Carefully inspect shapefile fields.
[ ] Check storm drain control settings.
[ ] Schematize the network.
[ ] Perform a test run.
Data and Resources#
Node Overview - Inlet, Junction#
Node Overview - Outfall, Storage Unit#
Link Overview - Conduit#
Link Overview - Pump, Orifice, Weir#
Create a Storm Drain from Shapefiles#
Summary and Review Results#
Coming Soon
Storm Drain from SWMM.INP#
Coming Soon