Run Hydrog#
Hydrog is a post-processor program to display channel and cross section hydrographs.
The project folder must have a CONT.DAT file to run Hydrog. A complete simulation with either a channel, floodplain cross sections, or hydraulic structures results.
Hydrog functions are all available using the FLO-2D Plugin.
Run Hydrog#
The Run Hydrog button will load the Hydrog executable in the Project Folder.
Click on the Run Hydrog.

Hydrog will open.
Use it to show hydrographs for channel cross sections.

Use the selector window to select the channel cross section to plot and the up down buttons to move upstream or downstream.

Use it to show hydrographs for floodplain cross sections.

Use the selector window to select the floodplain cross section to plot and the up down buttons to move up or down the cross section list.

Use hydrog to show hydrographs for hydraulic structures.

Use the selector window to select the hydraulic structure to plot and the up down buttons to move up or down the structure on the list.