Port a GeoPackage#

As the FLO-2D Plugin evolves, the GeoPackage file structure changes. If loading an older project, use these video tutorials. FLO-2D Plugin v0.10.115 uses a manual import method to update a geopacakge. FLO-2D Plugin v1.0.0 uses an automated method to update a geopackage.

Porting GeoPackage FLO-2D Plugin v0.10.115#

This video shows the correct way to port a GeoPackage for version 0.115 and earlier plugins. This method is successful for any project created with a FLO-2D Plugin v0.10.115 or what we call v115.

Porting GeoPackage FLO-2D Gila Plugin#

The newer plugin will automate porting a GeoPackage. The user loads a new project with the FLO-2D toolbar and it will automatically port the Geopackage into the new structure.

The video shows how to load an old project into the FLO-2D Plugin v1.0.0 or later.