Welcome to FLO-2D Documentation

Welcome to FLO-2D Documentation#

FLO-2D is a finite volume conservation flood routing model. It is a valuable tool for delineating flood hazards, regulating floodplain zoning or designing flood mitigation. The model will simulate river overbank flows, but it can also be used on unconventional flooding problems such as unconfined flows over complex alluvial fan topography and roughness, split channel flows, mud/debris flows and urban flooding. Its primary application is for urban flood simulation with buildings, streets, walls and storm drains.

The FLO-2D Plugin will provide complete GIS integration for generating the FLO-2D data files and mapping the model results. The user is encouraged to read this documentation to become familiar with the overall FLO-2D Plugin features. The user can keep current on the FLO-2D model and processor program updates, training and other modeling news at the website:
